TQ Bright


The most personalized and detailed lie detection test available today - designed uniquely for you. 

Up to 3 unique questions for $299


-Fully customized to you.

-1:1 Design and Email Support.

-Premium Test Report included.


Begin your TruthQuest™
Ask up to 3 unique questions


One price for up to 3 unique questions.


Choose TruthQuest™ to uncover the truth in the most transparent way possible with a full Premium test report included. Every TruthQuest™ is designed by our team of experts and personalized to you and your unique needs. 

Every TruthQuest™ includes: A Certified PDF of results for download, a breakdown of each question and answer, and personal email support for questions about results.


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Ready to begin your TruthQuest™?

Just share some details below and our team will reach out to you right away.